OUR LASER MACHINE SQUARE EPIL is a double source Alexandrite and Nd:YAG that works in both blended and sequential way with high energy for each impulse for better frequency of the pulses allowing to treat the body surface faster giving you a perfect hairless complete body in 1 hour. Considering that the depth of penetration depends on the spot size. The possibility of mixing Alexandrite and Nd:YAG permits us to use the device also during the summer season.
NEW SHAPE: SQUARE SPOT therefore no area will be missed avoiding overlapping, burns and re-touch treatment
SIMULTANEOUS EMISSION for a better hair removal - Twice as fast and more powerful than other laser hair removal machines
Highly appreciated by both doctors and patients due to the: Minimized downtime High comfort during the treatment Fast and efficient treatments Safe and long lasting results
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses an intense, pulsating beam of light to remove unwanted hair. Laser can selectively target coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Each pulse of laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in minutes, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.
How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?
If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for six weeks before treatment. That's because the laser targets the hairs' roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.
You should also avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.
What results shall I expect?
Don't expect to have all the hair fall out after just one laser hair removal session. Multiple treatments are required because hairs cycle and only actively growing hairs are effected with each treatment. In order to get rid of most hair perpetually you are expected to do at least six treatments about 3-4 weeks apart.
Contact Us
If you have any queries, leave us a message below to have one of our trained operators advise you